Since the beginning of time, humans have created rituals and traditions to start new endeavors and to finish them, to strengthen belonging, to make commitments, to honor ancestors, to ask for forgiveness, to ask for permission, for rites of passage, to worship what is bigger than us, to connect with the invisible realms, to make collective decisions, to express love,  to solve conflicts, to organize agriculture, to create emotional fields, to listen to the emerging fields of a community, to celebrate achievements, to celebrate life, to mourn loss and to give significance to most of our human existence.

As 'progress has taken over our system, we have forgotten the power of ritual and ceremony.

​There are so many crucial moments in a family system that can benefit from the power of ritual and the creation of their own traditions. From the celebration of a union, to the birth of children. From the moment where a young girl is blessed with her first blood to the moment the mother bleeds her last drops into the era of wisdom. From the power of a conscious 'separation' to the moment when the children grow and move on into their own life path. And sometimes the sacred passing into the invisible realms.

Astrid supports families through these transitions when there is time available and the synchronicity of geographical location.

Life is a Ritual,

evererything we do is sacred!

All intentional communities require rituals and ceremonies to create fundamental traditions of their system and in various moments of their existence,
From celebrating structural junctures in time in order to create a tradition that strengthen the original vision, to moments of innovation and new decisions, the birth of children, the arrival of new members and all openings and closing of circles.

Solo  Rituals


Collective  rituals

The new times are here, to recover an ancestral technology for the thriving of our amazing humanity. As it is suggested in the Inner Freedom system, the art and mastery of opening and closing circles in our lives is a technology that we should all know how to use with wisdom and grace. The incorporation of rituals in our lives is an amazingly effective tool to give people involved a concrete experience that allows them to fully embody these processes, so that thy can be free to see what is the new emerging field.

All intentional reunions can benefit from the art of ritual. It is through a ceremony or ritual that we can co-create a unique field of union and trust. Collective rituals can bring in the collective intelligence in service of a higher purpose, can set up the emotional, mental and even spiritual tone of a group of people together. A casual gathering can become a living sacred temple. The power of people together in ceremony and in a deep layer of intention can never be surpassed.

Astrid has worked with collective rituals from eigth to over a thousand participants. One of her favorite rituals is the singing mandala as it is shown on the picture, where each circle follows a different melody, walking direction and message, all strengthening the purpose of the gathering. In this example one circle was singing 'juntas' the next 'somos' and two of them in different tones 'medicina' at the Intercultural Convergence of women in Pisac, Perú, 2019.

family Rituals

Astrid Brinck

Community Rituals

There are times to dive into a solo ritual, a time to close a circle, to give new meaning to essential things in life, a time to honor our own steps, to integrate an intense chapter of our lives, a time to mourn, to cry, to celebrate or to dive deep into nature to find answers or sometimes even questions.

These moments are fundamental because they are directly related with anchoring ourselves as adults. Solo rituals allow us to strengthen our relationships with ourselves.

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